For our last field trip of the semester we went to the Koreshan State Park which is located here in Estero. I really had no clue who or what the Koreshans were until we came to the park. Cyrus Reed Teed was the founder of the Koreshans, He brought followers to Estero in 1894 to build the "New Jerusalem" for his new faith, Koreshanity. The colony, known as the Koreshan Unity, believed that the entire universe existed within a giant, hollow sphere. The colony began fading after Teed´s death in 1908, and in 1961 the last four members deeded the land to the state
Photo Credit: Carolina Ortiz
Koreshanity the beliefs that Cyrus and his followers consisted of a belief that the Earth and the universe are contained in a concave sphere. They said that the sun was in the center and it was an electrical light whose electricity is generated by the outer shell and the sun was like a flood lamp. The moon was said to a reflection of the sun hitting the other side of the Earth. This new doctrine wasn't universally acceptable even though they had answer for everything. They even conducted an experiment on a beach in Naples to prove their concave theory.
The community itself was very successful. They not only relied on one another for different trades but they also had a lot of outside help from successful people. Another quality that led to their success was the gender equality displayed throughout the community. Women were help with much regard and were even given positions of power in the community.
Photo Credit: Carolina Ortiz